
Scientific publications

Унжаков А.Р., Антонова Е.П., Сергина С.Н., Баишникова И.В., Чернобровкина Н.П., Робонен Е.В.
Влияние обогащенного L-аргинином хвойного экстракта на биохимические показатели крови щенков-гипотрофиков норок
// Кролиководство и звероводство. № 3. 2017. C. 104-105
Unzhakov A.R., Antonova E.P., Sergina S.N., Baishnikova I.V., Chernobrovkina N.P., Robonen E.V. The influence of enriched α-arginine pine extract on biochemical blood parameters in puppies-hypotrophics minks // Rabbit and Fur-bearing Animal Breeding. No 3. 2017. Pp. 104-105
Keywords: hypotrophic puppies, α-arginine, coniferous extract
Pine needles are the source of a large number of biologically active substances, including free amino acids, which are used to treat many animal diseases. The use of herbal extract in the diet of hypotrophic mink kits leads to an improvement in their biochemical status. Application of a coniferous extract enriched with L-arginine allowed increasing the survival and growth rates of young minks with low body weight.
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Last modified: June 28, 2017