
Savosin Evgeny Sergeevich

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Savosin E.S.

Academic degree: Cand. (PhD) of Biology (2011)

Dissertation title: Macrozoobenthos and their dynamic with growing
commodity trout in Karelia

Contact phone(s): 89217014209 / Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia

Scientific speciality: zoology, ecology

Education: University degree

Keywords: benthos, ecosystems, trout farming

Scientific publications:

Savosin E.S. Macrozoobenthos ponds with commercial cultivation of rainbow trout (Parasalmo mykiss Walbaum) // Materials of I between. correspondence scientific-practical conference "Sustainable development of agriculture: environmental management and innovation." Petrozavodsk. 2011. pp 44-47.
Savosin E.S. Macrozoobenthos ponds with rainbow trout growing trade // Proc. Doc. XVIII Int. Conf. students, graduate students and young scientists "Lomonosov". M .: MAKS Press. 2011. pp. 107-108.
Sterligova O.P., Kitaev S.P,, Ilmast N.V., Komulainen S.F., Kuchko J.A., Pavlovsky S.A., Savosin E.S. Status bays of Lake Onega, with the commercial cultivation of rainbow trout Volga // Journal of Ecology. Number 3. 2011. pp. 386-393.
Sterligova O.P., Ilmast N.V., Kuchko J.A., Savosin E.S. State of Lake V.Pulonga under commodity cultivation of rainbow trout // Materials XXIX Intl. scientific. Conf. "Biological Resources of the White Sea and Inland Waters of European North." Murmansk. 2013. pp. 62-66.
Kuchko J.A., Savosin E.S. Hydrobiological characteristic Segozerskaya reservoir in the area of placement of cage farming // Materials of Int. scientific. Conf. dedicated. 100 - anniversary GosNIORKh "Fishery ponds Russia, fundamental and applied research." St. Petersburg (06 - 10 October). 2014 P. 491-500.
Chinas SP, ES Savosin Assessment of macrozoobenthos Lake Superior Pulongskoe under commodity commodity trout cultivation // Uch. PetrSU note. Number 6. 2014. P. 22-26.
Sterligova O.P., Ilmast N.V., Kuchko J.A., Savosin D.S. State of freshwater ecosystems under commodity cultivation of rainbow trout in Lake Verchnee Pulongskoe (North Karelia) // Fisheries T. 16. № 1. 2015. pp. 126-132.
Kuchko J.A., Savosin E.S. , Kuchko T.Y. The current state of zooplankton and macrozoobenthos in the area of accommodation Segozero cage trout farms // Uch. PetrSU note. Natural and Technical Sciences. № 4 (149). 2015. pp. 29-33.
Kuchko J.A., Savosin E.S., Kuchko T.Y. The current state of zooplankton and macrozoobenthos Lake Superior Kuito (North Karelia) in the accommodation area cage trout farms // Math. Samara Scientific Center R

Curriculum Vitae:
Born in
v. Sukkozero Muezersky district. In 2005 he graduated from the EBF PetrSU. On 1.11.2005, at the moment he works in the laboratory of ecology of fish and aquatic invertebrates.

Last modified: May 10, 2016