Activities of the Equipment Sharing Centre “Multidisciplinary basic and applied research on the functioning of living systems in the North” (ESC IB KarRC RAS) are meant to contribute to the implementation of the tasks envisaged by the priority areas of development of science, technology and machinery in the Russian Federation: “Life Sciences”, “Sustainable nature use”, and “Nanosystems industry”.
The Centre was founded in 2009, incorporating the facilities of individual structural units of IB KarRC RAS. The equipment is for the most part quite expensive, purchased with funding under state contracts within the Federal Ad Hoc Programme, projects and grants from the Russian Science Foundation and Russian Foundation for Basic Research, as well as international projects. The director of the Centre is Nina Nemova, Prof., RAS Corr. Fellow, DSc.
The main mission of ESC is to provide researches from IB KarRC RAS structural units, organizations operating under the Russian Agency for Scientific Organizations, universities and other stakeholders with access to state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure as they carry out interdisciplinary studies, train doctorate and post-doc scientists or perform educational activities. The Centre is a modern format for organizing the research and education process. The main area of activities is the study of the functioning of living systems at various levels (molecular, organismal, populational). The equipment at ESC IB KarRC RAS helps researchers gain new knowledge on general and physical-chemical biology, which is needed to find out the patterns and mechanisms of adaptation and resistance in living systems in the North. ESC IB KarRC RAS serves as a platform for training doctorate and post-doc scientists, bachelor and master students (in collaboration with Petrozavodsk University), training young scientists and PhD students from other research and education organizations to operate the equipment. ESC IB KarRC RAS activities are subject to regulation by Russian federal legislation and local standards.
Information about ESC IB KarRC RAS is posted on the website “Contemporary research infrastructure in the Russian Federation”
Equipmente centre on IB KarRC RAS
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perechen_oborudovanija_ckp_karnc_ran_2021.pdf (1.03 Mb, total downloads: 424)
Last modified: December 14, 2023