IB Structure
Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology
Head: Cand. (PhD) of Biology Antonova, Ekaterina Petrovna
Functioning purposes
Major research trends
Main activity results
International cooperation
Applied works
Application of the research results
Scientific publications
Contact information
The laboratory was established in 1972 – the event itself and the early steps on the way were connected with the work of its first head – Professor V. Berestov, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Distinguished Academic of Karelia and Russia. The laboratory dealt with the theoretical and applied problems of cage farming of fur animals, studied the physiological and biochemical adaptations of fur animals to environmental and technological factors, investigated patterns in the functioning of various systems in the organism under environmental impacts. Using a combination of morphological and biochemical indices the methodology and strategy of physiological-biochemical monitoring of the condition of fur animals in zooculture were developed. In 1987, the Laboratory of Fur Animal Physiology was converted into the Laboratory of Animal Ecological Physiology. Major contributions to the development of the laboratory have been made by Prof. N.N. Tyutyunnik (headed the lab in 1987-2008), T.N. Ilyina, L.K. Kozhevnikova, G.G. Petrova, L.B. Uzenbaeva, V.A. Ilyukha (Lab Head since 2008).
Functioning purposes
Current research at the laboratory is centered around the study of the physiological and biochemical adaptations of mammals to natural and anthropogenic factors, identification of patterns in the functioning of organs and systems during the adaptations, development of the theory to explain the formation of adaptive strategies in animals based on integrated studied in ecology, behaviour, physiology, morphology, and biochemistry.
Major research trends
The main lines of studies today are:
• comparative analysis of physiological functions in naturally hypoxia/reoxygenation-adapted mammals of different taxonomic groups between species and through the ontogeny;
• investigation of the effect of light on the condition of different systems in the mammalian organism, the role of melatonin and its receptors in responses to modified light settings;
• analysis of the morphofunctional characteristics of blood leucocytes in mammals from natural populations and in farmed animals;
• investigation of the effects of bioactive substances on different functional systems of the organism to optimize the physiological condition and promote the fitness of domesticated mammals.
• comparative analysis of physiological functions in naturally hypoxia/reoxygenation-adapted mammals of different taxonomic groups between species and through the ontogeny;
• investigation of the effect of light on the condition of different systems in the mammalian organism, the role of melatonin and its receptors in responses to modified light settings;
• analysis of the morphofunctional characteristics of blood leucocytes in mammals from natural populations and in farmed animals;
• investigation of the effects of bioactive substances on different functional systems of the organism to optimize the physiological condition and promote the fitness of domesticated mammals.
1. Grant from the Federal Budget (FMEN 2022-0003).
2. Project RFBR 16-34-00389 mol_a "The role of the pineal gland and melatonin in the mechanisms of mammals’ adaptation to a variety of climatic and geographical conditions".
3. Project RFBR 16-34-00283 mol_a " Comparative study of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to intermittent hypoxia-reoxygenation in semi-aquatic and hibernating mammals".
2. Project RFBR 16-34-00389 mol_a "The role of the pineal gland and melatonin in the mechanisms of mammals’ adaptation to a variety of climatic and geographical conditions".
3. Project RFBR 16-34-00283 mol_a " Comparative study of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to intermittent hypoxia-reoxygenation in semi-aquatic and hibernating mammals".
Main activity results
International cooperation
Applied works
The study of biological active substances of wood greens coniferous effect on adult females in the reproductive period was conducted. It was found that the use of the substances increases the number of females successfully whelp, reduce kits mortality, increase number of kits per female as compared with the control group. Substances have significant growth promoting effect on kits. (In cooperation with the lab. Forest biotechnology, Forest research Institute of the Karelian research centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Application of the research results
2012 – The database "Morphological and functional parameters of blood of mammals in nature and zooculture» State registration N 2012620407, 04.05.2012. Authors: Kizhina A.G., Uzenbaeva L.B., Hizhkin E.A.
2013 – The database "State of the antioxidant system in mammals of different ecogenesis under the influence of environmental factors» State registration N 2013621172, 17.09.2013 Authors: Hizhkin E.A., Antonova E.P., Ilyina T.N., Ilyukha V.A.
2013 – The database "Electronic Atlas of mammals blood cells. Reference and methodological guidance" State registration N 2013621462, 26.11.2013 Authors: L.B. Uzenbaeva, A.G. Kizhina, V.A. Ilyukha, E.F. Pechorina
2014 – The patent for the invention "Method for feeding fur animals" Authors: Chernobrovkina N.P., Robonen E.V., Makarova T.N., Unzhakov A.R., Tyutyunnik N.N. Uzenbaeva L.B., Baishnikova I.V. Priority on 25.07.2013 registration number 2013134801, registered 18.12.2014 ¹2540354.
2015 – The database "Digestive enzymes in mammals with different ecological specialization" State registration N 2015620061, 13.01.2015 Authors: Hizhkin E.A., Morozov A.V.
2015 – The database “Chronotypes, sleep indicators and academic performance in children and adolescents in Petrozavodsk” State registration N 2015621488, 24.09.2015 Authors: Kolomeychuk S.N., Hizhkin E.A.
2013 – The database "State of the antioxidant system in mammals of different ecogenesis under the influence of environmental factors» State registration N 2013621172, 17.09.2013 Authors: Hizhkin E.A., Antonova E.P., Ilyina T.N., Ilyukha V.A.
2013 – The database "Electronic Atlas of mammals blood cells. Reference and methodological guidance" State registration N 2013621462, 26.11.2013 Authors: L.B. Uzenbaeva, A.G. Kizhina, V.A. Ilyukha, E.F. Pechorina
2014 – The patent for the invention "Method for feeding fur animals" Authors: Chernobrovkina N.P., Robonen E.V., Makarova T.N., Unzhakov A.R., Tyutyunnik N.N. Uzenbaeva L.B., Baishnikova I.V. Priority on 25.07.2013 registration number 2013134801, registered 18.12.2014 ¹2540354.
2015 – The database "Digestive enzymes in mammals with different ecological specialization" State registration N 2015620061, 13.01.2015 Authors: Hizhkin E.A., Morozov A.V.
2015 – The database “Chronotypes, sleep indicators and academic performance in children and adolescents in Petrozavodsk” State registration N 2015621488, 24.09.2015 Authors: Kolomeychuk S.N., Hizhkin E.A.
November 20 - 25, 2017
International conference "Young biologists science Week-2017"
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Leading Biologist
Leading Biologist
Leading Biologist
Senior Biologist
PhD student, Leading Biologist
Contact information
Official title: Institute of Biology of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of SciencesAddress: 184910, Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya st., 11
Contact phone(s): +7(8142)57-31-07
Fax: +7(8142)76-98-10
E-mail: antonova88ep@mail.ru