
Rasputina Yelena Nikolayevna

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Academic degree: Cand. (PhD) of Biology (2013)

Dissertation title: Biological characteristics of juvenile salmonids in the rivers of Karelia and Kola Peninsula

Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia

Scientific speciality: ichthyology

Education: University degree

Major research trends: studying the feeding of fish

Keywords: fish nutrition, Atlantic salmon, fish fry

Scientific publications:

1.Belyakova E.N. Meals are full of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. and common minnow Phoxinus phoxinus in a typical small river semuzhey // Hydrobiological magazine. - 2011. - T. 47 №6. - P. 11-16.
2.Shustov Y.A. Belyakov E.N. Comparative study of parr and smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in pool Varzuga subarctic river // Ecology. - 2012. - №6. - P. 442-445.
3.Shustov Y.A., Baryshev I.A. Belyakova E.N. Features of supply of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in subarctic river Varzuga and its small tributaries (Kola Peninsula) // Journal "Biology of Inland Waters". - 2012. - №3. - P. 66-70.
4. Shustov Y.A., Belyakova E.N. Eating salmon fish fry in autumn // Magazine "Scientists of PetrSU notes." - 2012. - №2 (123). - P. 7-10.
5. Shustov Y.A., Tyrkin I.A. Belyakova E.N. Features of growth of juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta L. in waters north of the European Russia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. - 2012. - №1. - P. 94-101.
6. Shustov Y.A. , Tyrkin I.A., Rasputina E.N. Food competition bullhead and moustached loach fish to fry salmon river. Salmo in the tributaries of Lake Onega. Hydrobiological Journal 2014, v. 50, №4, pp. 34-44.
7. Biological features of juvenile salmon fish in the rivers of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. // Shustov Y.A. , Tyrkin I.A., Schurov I.L. , Ivanter D.E., Belyakova E.N. - Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publishing House, 2013. - 74 p.
8.Belyakova EN, Shustov YA, IA Tyrkin Nutrition and growth of juvenile salmon in the remediated site Suna River (Reserve "Kivach") // Abstracts of the reserve "Kivach". - FGU State Reserve "Kivach". - 2011. - Issue 5. - P. 180-184.
9.Shustov Y.A., Belyakova E.N., Veselov A.E.Seasonal food habits of fish in the river Big kumzhevoy Vn (bass. Lake Onega) // Ecology Principles. 2013. Vol.2. №4. P. 56-68.
10.Belyakova E.N. Features of supply of Atlantic salmon in the south-eastern rivers of the Kola Peninsula // Proceedings of the IV school-conference of young scientists with international participation "Water environment and spatial natural complexes: study, use, protection." - Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Water Problems of the North. - 2011. - P.99-103.
11.Belyakova E.N., Shustov Y.A. Nutrition, growth and dispersal of juvenile salmon fish in the rivers of White Sea Karelia (Gridino village area) // XXIX International Conference "Biological Resources of the White Sea and inland waters of the European North." FSUE "PINRO". - Murmansk. - 2013. (In press).
12.Belyakova E.N. Biological features of juvenile salmon fish in the rivers of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula // Abstracts of the conference. International scientific conference "The reproduction of natural populations of fish species." GosNIORKh. - SPb. - 2013. (In press).
13.Tyrkin I.A., Shustov Y.A., Rasputina E.N., Legun A.G. Feeding habits of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), contaminated invasive parasite Gyrodactylus salaries, in the river Keret. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. №3, 2015.

Curriculum Vitae:
Rasputina E. N. G. was born on 21.07.1987 in Petrozavodsk. In 2009 she graduated from the ecological-biology faculty of Petrozavodsk state University. From 2009 to 2012 she studied at the postgraduate at the University. During this period, under the guidance of D. B.N. Shustov Yu. a. and D. b.N. Veselov A. E. has successfully mastered modern methods of collecting and processing material on nutrition of salmonids and analysis of the results. E. N. studied modern and classical works of domestic and foreign authors in this scientific field. In 2012 she defended his thesis on "Biological characteristics of salmon in the rivers of Karelia and Kola Peninsula" specialty 03.02.06 - "ichthyology" (Series DTCs No. 195744). From 2013 to 2014 E. N. Rasputina was on maternity leave to care for a child.
From 01.02.2015 G. E. N. Rasputina working in the laboratory of ecology of fishes and aquatic invertebrates IB KarRC RAS in the position of acting research officer, commenced research on the state budget theme "the Functioning of water ecosystems of East Fennoscandia in the state of nature and under the influence of anthropogenic factors". The main focus of her research is the study of food fishes in the inland waters of North-West Russia.

Last modified: February 26, 2016