
Scientific publications

Топчиева Л.В., Малышева И.Е., Курбатова И.В., Корнева В.А., Барышева О.Ю.
Содержание интерлейкина 6 у здоровых и больных эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией с разными генотипами по -572G>C полиморфному маркеру гена IL6
// Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. Серия: Естественные и технические науки. №2 (147). 2015. C. 39-44
Currently, a large number of studies are concerned with the role of polymorphic variants of the pro inflammatory cytokine gene Interleukin 6 (IL6) in the etiology and pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases development (CVD). The influence of -174G>C polymorphism in the development of cardiovascular disorders including essential hypertension (EH) is well studied. In this regard -572g>C gene polymorphism of IL6 is less studied. A number of authors have received conflicting information regarding the content of protein depending on the genotype of this marker and its association with the development of CVD. The aim of the study was to examine existing correlations between the -572G>C polymorphic marker of IL6 gene and development of EH (stage I-II) (on the example of some national groups of population inhabiting Karelia). ELISA was used to determine the level of IL6 concentration in plasma. PCR-RFLP analysis was used for the estimation of alleles and genotypes of -572G>C marker of IL6 gene. The level of interleukin 6 in plasma of healthy subject and hypertensive donors depending on the genotype of the -572G>C polymorphism of IL6 was investigated. A slight increase of its level in the plasma of patients with essential hypertension was shown. The level of protein in donors with different genotypes on the studied marker did not differ. No association of -572G>C polymorphism of IL 6 gene with essential hypertension development (stage I-II) in Russian, Vepsian, and Karelian residents of Karelia was not found.
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Last modified: September 27, 2016