
Scientific publications

Галибина Н.А., Мошкина Е.В., Никерова К.М., Мощенская Ю.Л., Знаменский С.Р.
Активность пероксидазы как индикатор степени узорчатости древесины карельской березы
// Лесоведение. № 4. 2016. C. 294-304
Galibina N.A., Moshkina E.V., Nikerova K.M., Moshchenskaya Yu.L., Znamenskii S.R. Peroxydase activity indicates veining of curly birch // Lesovedenie. N 4. 2016. Pp. 294-304
Keywords: Betula pendula var. carelica, xylem, guaiacol peroxidase, enzymatic activity, soil fertility
Statistically significant linear relationship between veining of the curly birch and guaiacol-peroxidase activity in xylem tissues was established. The study was based in 25 year old curly birches (Betula pendula var. carelica) growing in the seed plantations in the middle taiga in European part of Russia. Veining of the studied plants was ranged, with 0 ascribing the trees without veining, and ranks 1-3 ascribing the levels of veining manifestation. The proposed technique of guaiacol-peroxidase activity estimation in xylem of the curly birch could be used in instant testing of plant veining. The peroxidase activity in xylem of curly birches, which grew on soils of different fertility, was tested for the first time. We found that nitrogen nutrition was a factor of peroxidase activity. Curly birches without veining had higher peroxidase activity with growing of available nitrogen in soils. Curly birches with various veining manifestation tended to have higher peroxidase activity with growing of soil fertility. Our data supports the contention of the effect of soil fertility on the veining trait.
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Last modified: April 19, 2017