Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография
Indexed at RSCI
A.V. Kravchenko. On the vascular flora of the Olonetsky State Nature Reserve (Republic of Karelia) | 5 |
A.E. Humala, A.V. Polevoi. Promoting the knowledge of the entomofauna of the Onezhskoye Pomorye National Park | 21 |
P.G. Efimov, G.Yu. Konechnaya, R. Kurbe, V.N. Maksimov, I.A. Smirnov, I.A. Sorokina, N.G. Tseytin. Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. in the North-West of European russia: distribution, dynamics in the number of localities, conservation status | 49 |
A.A. Chalkin, O.A. Kulinich, E.N. Arbuzova, A.Yu. Ryss. The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer) nickle: feasibility of its acclimatisation in the Republic of Karelia | 63 |
E.A. Borovichev, M.N. Kozhin, E.A. Ignatova. Information on the bryophyte flora of the Buzuluk Bor National Park (Orenburg region) | 76 |
Short communications | 83 |
N.V. Zueva, O.G. Grishutkin, D.Yu. Efimov, A.A. Bobrov. Fineleaf pondweed (Stuckenia filiformis (Pers.) Börner) in the Pasvik Nature Reserve and its neighboring territories: distribution limitation by water TDS content | 83 |
K.I. Skvortsov, V.Yu. Neshataeva, V.Yu. Neshataev, V.V. Yakubov, E.Yu. Kuzmina1, V.E. Kirichenko. New data on the distribution of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla Sukacz.) in the Olyutorsky district of the Koryak okrug (Kamchatsky krai) | 89 |
S.A. Simonov, M.V. Matantseva. First records of nesting by the Eurasian penduline tit Remiz pendulus L. in Karelia (Northwest Russia) | 98 |
Scientific collections | 105 |
O.O. Predtechenskaya. Herbarium of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M. V. Freundling’s collection of fungi | 105 |
Chronicle | 117 |
E.V. Kulebyakina. All-Russian Conference with international participation «Strict Nature Reserves and National Parks: open-air research laboratories» (Petrozavodsk, October 12–14, 2021) | 117 |
Dates and anniversaries | 123 |
O.N. Lebedeva. Oleg L. Kuznetsov (on the 70th anniversary) | 123 |
Reviews and bibliography | 131 |
Рецензия на книгу «Экологическая тропа, или Тропа Географов, Гольцовые пустыни плато Вудъяврчорр, Грибы горы Вудъяврчорр. Маршруты для природно-познавательного туризма на территории Полярно-альпийского ботанического сада-института им. Н.А. Аврорина КНЦ РАН в Хибинских горах (Мурманская область). СПб.: Лесник, 2022. 96 с.» | 131 |
Last modified: March 1, 2022