Scientific publications
Тирронен К.Ф., Данилов П.И.
Направления развития и итоги научной школы промысловой зоологии Института биологии Карельского научного центра РАН
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экологические исследования. 2023. C. 76–91
Tirronen K.F., Danilov P.I. Development lines and results of the science school in game animal zoology at the Institute of Biology of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Ecological Studies Series. 2023. P. 76–91
Keywords: research; theriofauna; mammals; game animals; population dynamics; populations; Eastern Fennoscandia; Northwest Russia
The article relates the history of the foundation and growth of the Karelian school in game animal zoology, tells about the founder and members of the scientific team, presents the most important elements of its formation, results, and development lines. Geographically, the team’s activities mostly cover Northwest Russia. However, the main ground for carrying out work, collecting data, testing methods, and implementing monitoring programs is certainly the Republic of Karelia. The fauna of game animals has been studied in Karelia for a long time, but the most active stage begins in the mid-20th century and continues till now. The study area is a boreal region inhabited by species belonging to the European and Siberian complexes, animals of southern and arctic origin, as well as ubiquitous species. Some game animals have been acclimatized in Karelia to enrich the game fauna. Thus, almost the entire diversity of birds and mammals, both inside the republic and in the surrounding regions of North European Russia and Fennoscandia, has been scrutinized and monitored by the laboratory staff and forms the basis for the science school in game animal zoology at the Institute of Biology of the Karelian Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
DOI: 10.17076/eco1779
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: May 31, 2023