Scientific publications
Барышев И.А., Фролов А.А., Кулебякина Е.B.
Таксономический состав донных беспозвоночных водотоков бассейна озера Водлозеро и реки Водлы (национальный парк «Водлозерский»)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Биогеография. 2023. C. 93–103
Baryshev I.A., Frolov A.A., Kulebyakina E.B. Taxonomic composition of benthic invertebrates in watercourses in the catchment of Lake Vodlozero and River Vodla (Vodlozersky National Park) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Biogeography. 2023. P. 93–103
Keywords: macrozoobenthos; protected areas; mayflies; stoneflies; caddisflies; chironomids
The article provides for the first time a species list of benthic invertebrates inhabiting watercourses in the catchment of Lake Vodlozero and River Vodla, situated in Vodlozersky National Park and its buffer zone. Rivers Ileksa, Verkhnyaya Okhtoma, Novguda, Kelka, Okhtoma, Sukhaya Vodla, Vama, Lepruchei, and Vodla were surveyed in the summer periods of 2019 and 2022. Their benthic communities were found to comprise 159 taxa, 112 of which were identified down to species. Prevalence in terms of species richness belonged to insects (126 taxa, 79.2 % of the checklist), the most diverse group among them being dipterans (70 taxa). Newly recorded for the fauna of the Vodlozersky National Park were 116 taxa, of which 88 were identified down to species. Rapid sections feature substantial species richness compared to pools.
DOI: 10.17076/bg1764
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: October 3, 2023