Scientific publications
Пупышева М.А., Бляхарчук Т.А.
Реконструкция локальных пожаров на примере торфяных отложений болота Моховое (Северный Алтай)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 8. Сер. Экологические исследования. 2023. C. 90–93
Pupysheva M.A., Blyakharchuk T.A. Reconstruction of local fire history, example of peat deposits of the Mokhovoe mire (Northern Altai) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Ecological Studies Series. 2023. P. 90–93
Keywords: dynamic of wildfires; Holocene; Northern Altai; macro-charcoal analysis; mire deposits
The paper presents the results of a reconstruction of the dynamics of fires in the piedmont of Northern Altai over the last 16 185 calendar years based on macro-charcoal analysis and radiocarbon dating of deposits in Mokhovoe mire (Altai Krai). The local history of
fires was reconstructed, the background level of accumulation of macro-charcoal particles was determined, and specific local fire episodes, the time of their occurrence and intensity were identified using statistical processing of the data in Char Analysis package in the R environment. It was revealed that through the entire history of the mire evolution there occurred 27 local fires with 7 periods of maximum pyrogenic activity (14 200–13 600, 11 500–10 500, 9800–9200, 8400–6300, 5500–4300, 2900–1900, 1600–1000 ka BP). The greatest number of fires occurred in the Atlantic period (AT) of the Holocene – 9 fire episodes with a maximum activity at the transition from the Atlantic (AT) to the Subboreal period (SB) – 5500–5000 ka BP. It is likely that the warming of the Holocene Climatic Optimum induced a series of strong destructive local fires. The lowest pyrogenic intensity was observed in the Middle Dryas (DR2), Allerød (AL), Younger Dryas (DR3), and at the end of the Subatlantic period (SA).
DOI: 10.17076/eco1835
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 28, 2023