Scientific publications
Филимонова Л.В.
История суходольной и водно-болотной растительности в российско-финляндском парке «Дружба» в послеледниковье
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 8. Сер. Экологические исследования. 2023. C. 99–103
Filimonova L.V. The history of dryland and wetland vegetation in the Russian-Finnish Friendship Nature Reserve in the Post-Glacial period // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Ecological Studies Series. 2023. P. 99–103
Keywords: lake-mire sediments; radiocarbon dating; spore-pollen and macrofossil analyses; vegetation dynamics; Holocene; Karelia; Finland
The paper presents generalized data on the dynamics of dryland and wetland vegetation in the Russian-Finnish Friendship Nature Reserve area from the time of its deglaciation in the Preboreal era (11 160 cal BP) to the present, obtained using stratigraphic, radiocarbon and palaeobotanical methods. It was found that the periglacial, tundra and birch forest-tundra communities were replaced in the Boreal period by sparse birch and pinebirch
forests. Pine forests prevailed since 9750 ± 120 cal BP, with a maximum distribution after 9220 ± 100 cal BP and in the Atlanticum. An expansion of spruce was recorded from 6500 cal BP, with its greatest share in the vegetation cover at the end of the Subboreal, after 3520 ± 80 cal BP, and a decrease in Subatlantic time. North-taiga pine forests then re-emerge as dominants. Data indicate that the formation of mires in some water-logged depressions began in Preboreal time (10 830 ± 160 cal BP). In the Boreal and Atlantic times, better warming of the now shallow palaeolakes promoted sapropel formation, overgrowing with wetland vegetation, and transition to the thelmatic evolutionary path.
forests. Pine forests prevailed since 9750 ± 120 cal BP, with a maximum distribution after 9220 ± 100 cal BP and in the Atlanticum. An expansion of spruce was recorded from 6500 cal BP, with its greatest share in the vegetation cover at the end of the Subboreal, after 3520 ± 80 cal BP, and a decrease in Subatlantic time. North-taiga pine forests then re-emerge as dominants. Data indicate that the formation of mires in some water-logged depressions began in Preboreal time (10 830 ± 160 cal BP). In the Boreal and Atlantic times, better warming of the now shallow palaeolakes promoted sapropel formation, overgrowing with wetland vegetation, and transition to the thelmatic evolutionary path.
DOI: 10.17076/eco1851
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: December 28, 2023