
Matantseva, Maria V. List of publications

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Publications in 2015-2020 (total 53)


  1. Анализ показателей генетического разнообразия популяций пеночки-веснички Phylloscopus trochilus в разных частях гнездового ареала
    Лапшин Н.В., Топчиева Л.В., Симонов С.А., Матанцева М.В., Рендаков Н.Л. Матер. III Междун. конфер. «Современные проблемы биологической эволюции» к 130-летию со дня рожден. Н.И. Вавилова и 110-летию со дня основания Госуд. Дарвиновского музея. 16-20 октября 2017 года. 2017. C. 164-167 (RSCI)
  2. Matantseva M.V., Lapshin N.V., Simonov S.A. Busch M., Gedeon K. (Eds.): Birds in a changing world. Programme and Abstracts of the 20th conference of the European Bird Census Council. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Münster. 2016. P. 39
  3. Matantseva M.V., Lapshin N.V., Simonov S.A. 8th International Conference on Biodiversity Research, Book of Abstracts. Daugavpils, Latvia: Daugavpils University Academic Press “Saule”. 2015. P. 94
  4. Simonov S.A., Matantseva M.V. 10th Conference of the European Ornithologist's Union: Programme and Abstracts. Badajoz, Spain. Daugavpils, Latvia: Daugavpils University Academic Press “Saule”. 2015. P. 138
  5. Matantseva M.V., Simonov S.A. 10th Conference of the European Ornithologist's Union: Programme and Abstracts. Badajoz, Spain. Daugavpils, Latvia: Daugavpils University Academic Press “Saule”. 2015. P. 474
  6. Simonov S.A., Matantseva M.V. 10th Conference of the European Ornithologist's Union: Programme and Abstracts. Badajoz, Spain. Daugavpils, Latvia: Daugavpils University Academic Press “Saule”. 2015. P. 95

Matantseva, Maria V.