
Scientific publications

Е.А. Боровичев, М.Н. Кожин, П.А. Игнашов, Н.Р. Кириллова, Е.И. Копеина, А.В. Кравченко, О.Л. Кузнецов, С.А. Кутенков, А.В. Мелехин, К.Б. Попова, А.В. Разумовская, А.Н. Сенников, М.А. Фадеева, Ю.Р. Химич.
Значимые находки растений, лишайников и грибов на территории Мурманской области. II
E.A. Borovichev, M.N. Kozhin, P.A. Ignashov, N.R. Kirillova, E.I. Kopeina, A.V. Kravchenko, O.L. Kuznetsov, S.A. Kutenkov, A.V. Melekhin, K.B. Popova, A.V. Razumovskaya, A.N. Sennikov, M.A. Fadeeva, Yu. R. Khimich. Noteworthy records of plants, lichens and fungi in Murmansk region. II // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2020. Pp. 17-33
Keywords: vascular plants; liverworts; lichens; fungi; range limit, new records, rare species; Red Data Book
Eighty seven recent important findings of 56 species of vascular plants, liverworts, lichens, and fungi in Murmansk Region are reported. A record was considered important if it was a species previously unknown from the region, red-listed in Russia and/or Murmansk Region, new for the given protected areas, represented another rare species known from not more than five locations in Murmansk Region, or the northernmost location of a specie in Europe or globally. Two fungal species (Geoglossum umbratile Sacc. and Sabuloglossum arenarium,) are reported for Murmansk Region for the first time. The vascular plant Eritrichium villosum reappeared on Rybachiy Peninsula after more than a century break. The new records for five species of lichens (Absconditella duplicella, Asahinea chrysantha, Dermatocarpon meiophyllizum, Placidiopsis pseudocinerea, Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca), the liverwort Fossombronia foveolata and the vascular plant Elatine hydropiper represent the second locations detected in Murmansk Region. The species detected for the first time in the Pasvik Reserve are the lichens Calicium viride, Peltigera scabrosella, and the vascular plants Avenula pubescens, Hieracium adlerzii, H. lapponicum, H. penduliforme, H. pendulum, and Myriophyllum verticillatum); three vascular plant species (Draba alpina, Draba nivalis, Saxifraga foliolosa) are new for the Lapland State Nature Reserve; four lichen species (Chaenotheca gracillima, C. subroscida, Ramalina thrausta, Lobaria pulmonaria) are new for the Kaita Zakaznik; three liverworts (Cephaloziella elachista, Heterogemma laxa, Kurzia pauciflora) and five vascular plants (Carex laxa, Eriophorum gracile, Hammarbya paludosa, Isoёtes echinospora и Pinguicula villosa) are new for the Ponoy Zoological Zakaznik. New data are reported about the nationally and regionally red-listed species Bryoria fremontii, Lobaria pulmonaria, Stereocaulon dactylophyllum, and Isoёtes echinospora, and about 13 more species listed in the Red Data Book of Murmansk Region.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: October 13, 2020