
Scientific publications

Потапов Г.С., Футоран П.А., Колосова Ю.С.
Фауна шмелей (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Онежского полуострова
Potapov G.S., Futoran P.A., Kolosova Yu.S. The bumblebee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of the Onega Peninsula // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Biogeography. 2023. P. 71–78
Keywords: bumblebees; distribution ranges; North European Russia; Arkhangelsk Region
This study was designed to summarize the data on the bumblebee fauna of the Onega Peninsula and to present new records. In total, 15 species of bumblebees were recorded. The core of the area's bumblebees fauna is species with a wide distribution in Eurasia (Transpalaearctic and temperate, as regards the zonal distribution). These species are typical for the taiga zone of North European Russia. The reason for this is that the biota of Fennoscandia originated as a result of post-glacial immigration. In comparison with many local faunas of North European Russia, the bumblebee fauna of the Onega Peninsula is poor, lacking some species with a southern distribution. The only species of this group present here are Bombus soroeensis and B. veteranus. Species of Siberian origin (B. schrencki and B. consobrinus) have been encountered on the Onega Peninsula. They arrived in North European Russia during the Holocene Climate Optimum. Having colonized the Onega Peninsula rather late, they are absent on the Solovetsky Archipelago Peninsula. B. consobrinus was registered here for the first time. B. consobrinus is an oligolectic species with a range almost fully reproducing the disjunctions of the range of Aconitum septentrionale in the European North.
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Last modified: October 3, 2023